Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Madam Prezident, Yourblackworld.com 

Alicia Keyz is finally responding to the “home wrecker” talk. She explains that she is no HOME WRECKER!!! Supposedly her and swizz beatz didn’t begin dating until months after Mashonda and Swizz were separated. NOTICE-she said SEPERATED AND NOT DIVORCED!!! What you think HOME WRECKER OR NOT?!?!

“We didn’t start seeing each other until months after they had separated,” Keys told Essence. “I was aware of all the false things that were being said about me it definitely hurt.”

In an Essence interview she explained that Swizz Beatz ex- used all her powers to make her seem like a monster, and blames her for ruining her family.

“I was sure that if I engaged it would become back-and-forth like some sick entertainment, which goes against everything I believe and would have made things worse.”

However Alicia has explained that things are better between them, and they respect each other roles in Swizz’s life.

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