Greetings Ladies, I write to you today, as a wise 25 year old young woman. I know the Madam Prezident blog viewers are young women like myself or younger. My ladies that are older than me already know much of the advice that I give on a daily basis. Knowing what to do and doing it are two different things.
I started this blog for many reasons, to release my frustrations, give quality advice to young black women in college, high-school, those that work, whomever can relate. Whoever can relate to my mental, daily situations or my opinion.
I was resting and I thought today I will give the girls some good advice. Some advice that you are going to have to be a woman about, this advice will force you to grow just a little bit more.
“Keep your friends & family out of your relationship business”.
Now I know you are thinking, “I can tell my friends my business” and that is so true. You have the right to tell your friends anything you want, but I’m warning you. “The way a woman discusses her man, and to whom she discusses her man plays a colossal part in the health of her relationship.”
Most times, us women run our mouths, we dog him, talk about him, talk about his ways, but we refuse to give him up. Our friends love what we love, so when we call them and tell them the bad; they are going to feel that feeling of pain that you are projecting.
Now, because you have a different love for your man, after you get over the situation you are going to be happy again, but your friends will feel the last emotion you gave to them about him.
Then when he comes around, they looking at him up and down, you got to explain the make-up process. In order to omit this behavior of confusion; you have to “shut up”.
Stop telling your friends every detail of bad in your relationship. When your man gave you a couple grand you didn’t mention that. When he helped your mother out, you didn’t mention that. However, as women we are notorious for pointing out all the wrong in a situation, and minimizing the right.
Most of all, he may do something you dislike, but you aren’t about leave him. For that reason, you might as well suck it up, be mad and get over it. Friends give good advice, but no-one can make you leave a situation but you, and sometime friends make a situation worst.
You friend ain’t got no man, but you going to take her advice on how to keep yours. You have to be wiser with your relationship. Build a strong relationship with your man, so when you need to discuss his short-comings you can discuss it with him first.
You have to remember friends don’t know every detail of your situation, they only know what you tell them, and I’m sure if you are remotely human “you have not given them the entire story”; the story of “In the beginning”.
Overall, today I’m saying trust yourself, be a woman about your love and keep certain things to yourself. Take it to your man because he and you are the only people that can fix a situation between the two of you.
Stop listening to your “don’t have a man/ can’t keep a man ass friends”!!! (Somebody give this to Jennifer from Basketball Wives)
Meaningful Blessings,
Madam Prezident
Magician Magician
I’m not in shock about your act
Magician Magician
So pull your knives out of my back
Magician Magician
Full of Illusions
Magician Magician
I know your conclusions
Magician Magician
I found out your secret
Magician Magician
Your ego couldn’t keep it
Magician Magician
Stop using Gods name in Vain
Magician Magician
He knows the Magician’s still the same
Even when she’s screaming “ O I’ve changed”
Magician Magician
You must learn new tricks
Even God is getting sick
From healing people whom you hurt
Just because you put yourself first
Magician Magician
God knows the whole truth
Even when you mama Have no clue
Magician Magician
Lying is a great Skill
Magician Magician
You convince so many that you are real
But, since I use to be a part of your act
I’ve seen many scenes and I know the facts
Magician Magician
I’m no victim to you
You are a victim to yourself
You silly fool
You don’t know the difference between your illusions or truth
Magician Magician
I pay you no mind
All Magicians are exposed in time
Madam Prezident
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