Wednesday, January 26, 2011



Good morning, I’m listening to Trey Songz this morning. I can overindulge into something I like, like good music. I went to the studio and laid down a nice piece last night. I realize I have to work on my voice. Many times we hear people and admire their sound, but a perfect sound comes from a whole lot of practice. I’ve been enjoying this weekly studio time of trial and error.

Last night I was sitting in my living-room talking to my best friend about Love. Love is a beautiful thing. As people we’ve ruined love, with immaturity and stupid shit. However, “WE WERE CREATED OUT OF LOVE”.

I’m learning a lot about relationships from Steve Harvey’s new book, “Straight Talk, No Chaser, How to find, keep, and Understand a Man.” Don’t worry, I plan to share all the good stuff with you ladies so that you can become a man’s wife and not feel comfortable being his side piece.

I had another epiphany last night, and it was “I AIN’T FUCKING SORRY”.

In my last relationship I apologized too much. I apologized for going through his phone although I found very inappropriate text messages. I apologized for my hostile reaction to his cheating. He cheated, and I apologized for it. Talking about, “Baby I’m sorry for my anger”.

I was suppose to be angry; I had a right to be angry! I realize as women we make silly decisions just to keep someone around. I sound like a fool apologizing for my own hurt. “I apologize for you hurting me”. When you aren’t cautious, the devil will capture your common sense. You will be saying you’re sorry for an action you had nothing to do with.

I’m no longer sorry; I’m longer taking the blame for the pain caused by someone else. I’m no longer sorry for laying with a dishonest creature; I’m no longer sorry for being bruised and wounded. I’m no longer sorry for his mistakes, nor am I sorry for my reactions.

I am sorry he doesn’t know how it feel to be me, I’m sorry he kissed me after making love to someone else, and then try to make me feel sorry for it! Well, in 2011 for the rest of my life, “I’m no longer sorry”.

I’m not sorry for being me. I’m not sorry for finding out the truth. I’m not sorry for loving unconditionally. The only thing I’m apologizing to is my heart because I’m no longer sorry, but I will be very careful.


Madam Prezident




I abuse you

Misuse you

It’s my responsibility

To protect you

But I neglect you

I put him before you

When he didn’t even notice you

You help me live

And I give

You away so easily

Will you ever

Forgive me

Don’t stop pumping on me

Because I’m careless

I know he could care less

I owe you

Let me show you

How much I value you

Let me help you

Heal you

Because I love the real you

I know you were damaged

Although there are surgeons

To take you out and place you back in

Some things I won’t let them place back in

I know I gave you up so easily

But I hope you can forgive me

Because I need you

The happy

The healthy

The undamaged you


By: Madam Prezident

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