Thursday, January 13, 2011



Wooooooooo. It’s Founders Day for the women of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. Oooooooo-ooooooop to all the Sorors across the world. Yea, it’s not a local thing it’s a Global thing.

I’m gansta this morning; I’m listening to Nicki Minaj’s Pink Friday. I had two eggs for breakfast and oatmeal. I came to tell you people the great news, and it’s nothing about saving lots of money on my car insurance. “I lost 5 pounds”.

I’ve been eating lots of vegetables, and drinking more water. I don’t know exactly what the results will be in a month, but I have decided that I am going to stick with it. “I am going to be consistent.”

Consistency is the key to so many avenues in life. I see people who consistently do nothing and nothing is the result. Then I see over achievers who are consistent in everything they do, reading, blogging, exercising, and there are great results behind it.

My little sister (Keone) and I discussed dreams last night, and I told her “be consistent with your dream”. Don’t treat it like a book; don’t treat it like an old friend that you speak to ever now and again. Treat it like a New Lover that you can’t get enough of. Ignite your dream for the world will see the glow that God has placed in you.

I know there are so many people in professions that they have no business in, and the only thing keeping them back from being bold is FEAR. NO longer shall we fear Failure because failure is a part of life, and sometimes it “takes a fall to FLY”.

“I’m a living witness”. Even in my youth.

Peace People

Ignite today

Happy Founders Day


Madam Prezident




I sit outside
Hoping that Earth’s soil and my soul will connect
My humanity wrapped in humidity
God footsteps creates a cool breeze
Oh… how I wish he would “Heal Me”
I’m granted strength thru nature
Deeply rooted trees inspire me to stand tall
But like weak branches
Sometimes I too fall
“Cure me Lord”
The outside is the Inside of something great
I converse with nature
Who would bomb you? Harm you?
Mistreated and unappreciated
I discovered we have similarities
the earth and I
“God I’m Grateful”


Madam Prezident


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