Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Latest in Black News – 8/24/10

DEA Seeks Ebonics Experts to Help with Cases‎ ... Seriously

By Boyce Watkins, PhD on Aug 23rd 2010 11:44PM
Filed under: News, Politics, Race and Civil Rights

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DEA seeks Ebonics experts to help with cases‎

The Associated Press is reporting that the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) is considering hiring translators to help agents understand the language of drug dealers. Apparently, the agents are having trouble interpreting the words and sentences being used by suspects during wiretaps. The agency reached out to some translation companies to find someone to help them with the problem. And no, this is not a joke.

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Tagged as: dea, DEA seeks Ebonics experts to help with cases,DeaSeeksEbonicsExpertsToHelpWithCases, drug dealers, ebonics

Indiana Court Rules it Illegal to Choose Race of Senior Caregivers

By Boyce Watkins, PhD on Aug 23rd 2010 10:40PM
Filed under: News, Politics, Race and Civil Rights

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Brenda Chaney is a nursing assistant who works at an Indiana nursing home. One of the patients fell on the floor and Chaney went to help her. It turned out that Chaney was not allowed to help the woman up, primarily because she'd left instructions stating that only white aid workers should be able to work with her.
Chaney took the matter to court, and the court ruled that her civil rights had been violated by allowing these kinds of restrictions to exist within the health care system.

Continue reading Indiana Court Rules it Illegal to Choose Race of Senior Caregivers

Tagged as: race, racism, rand paul

Dr. Conrad Murray Wants Michael Jackson's Fluid Samples

By Ruth Manuel-Logan on Aug 23rd 2010 8:52PM
Filed under: News

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Dr. Conrad Murray Wants Michael Jackson's Fluid Samples

The saga continues surrounding the involuntary manslaughter case involvingMichael Jackson and his former personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray. The latest in the seemingly unending legal battle now involves Murray's team of lawyers, who are requesting to get samples of Jackson's bodily fluids so that they can use them as evidence in their defense.

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Tagged as: Dr. Conrad Murray, Dr. Conrad Murray Wants Michael Jacksons Fluid Samples, Dr. Conrad Murrays Lawyers Ask Judge for Michael Jacksons Bodily, Dr.ConradMurray,Dr.ConradMurraysLawyersAskJudgeForMichaelJacksonsBodilyFluidSamp,Dr.ConradMurrayWantsMichaelJacksonsFluidSamples, Joseph Jackson,Katherine Jackson, Los Angeles, LosAngeles, Michael Jackson,MichaelJackson, propofol, TMZ

Harold Dow Cause of Death Revealed: It was Asthma

By Boyce Watkins, PhD on Aug 23rd 2010 7:02PM
Filed under: News

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Veteran CBS News reporter Harold Dow died suddenly this week at the age of 62. His untimely death was compounded by the confusion surrounding his cause of death. That mystery has now ended, as it has been revealed in a statement from his family that Dow died from an asthma attack behind the wheel

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Tagged as: harold dow, harold dow cause of death, HaroldDow,HaroldDowCauseOfDeath

Mosque Protest: Man Mistaken for Muslim Draws Confrontation

By Paul Shepard on Aug 23rd 2010 2:37PM
Filed under: News, Politics, Race and Civil Rights

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Mosque Protest: Man Mistaken for Muslim Draws Confrontation

If New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg were smart, he would stop granting permits for rallies and protest marches in the city related to the controversial proposal to build an Islamic center and mosque near Ground Zero.

I know that people have a constitutional right to protest, but the city can take away that right when the health and safety of the public is threatened.

All one has to do is look at the ugly scene (watch below) that broke out at a recent rally against the mosque proposal, called Park 51. Clearly, complete mayhem is just around the corner when people start gathering in public on this issue.

Continue reading Mosque Protest: Man Mistaken for Muslim Draws Confrontation

Tagged as: ground zero mosque, GroundZeroMosque, Mosque Protest: Man Mistaken for Muslim Draws Confrontation,MosqueProtest:ManMistakenForMuslimDrawsConfrontation, park 51, Park51

Obama to Deliver Major Speech on Iraq

By Jeff Mays on Aug 23rd 2010 1:30PM
Filed under: News, Politics, President Obama

Comments (9)

Obama to Deliver Major Speech on Iraq

President Barack Obama
is expected to give a major speech about Iraq days after the last U.S. combat troops were withdrawn ahead of the Aug. 31 deadline.

ABC News
is reporting that President Obama will use the speech to make three major points:

  • Express gratitude to the troops for the work they have done; more than 4,400 U.S. soldiers have been killed during the seven years of the Iraq War, a war many believe the U.S. government mislead the public about. Who knows how many innocent Iraqi civilians have died.
  • Highlight that he has kept his promise to withdraw the troops when scheduled
  • Place Iraq within the context of our national security priorities

A couple of issues come to mind when thinking about what Americans need to hear from Obama:

Continue reading Obama to Deliver Major Speech on Iraq

Tagged as: Bush and Iraq, BushAndIraq, george w. bush, GeorgeW.Bush, Iran,iraq, Iraq war, IraqWar, Military spending, MilitarySpending, Obama to Deliver Major Speech on Iraq, ObamaToDeliverMajorSpeechOnIraq, president obama,PresidentObama

Wyclef Jean Say

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