Thursday, October 1, 2009

Nicole Spence: She Stuck Her Finger in My Booty!

by Nicole Spence 

Hey guys,
I know I'm late but Let's get busy( in my Aresenio Hall voice! Lol),
I have an interesting Dear Nicole letter read below:
the other night while getting some head from my girl she tried something new and stuck a finger in my azz and i nutted like i never before and it felt really good but i don't want her to think I'm gay or something how do i tell her i really liked that shit damm why did it feel so good? i need to know because if felt so fucking good but i'm no fag is that acceptable? thanks
Wow!! My first reaction is that you're not gay! But Let's be clear if a man that I'm seeing asked me to put a finger in his booty, I would immediately think his ass was gay!!
I mean that's just a hell of a request!
But you didn't ask for it, your girlfriend just tried something new and it turns out you dig it! It's actually kinda cool, that you guys are delving into uncharted territory like that. Sounds freaky but she is teaching you about your body. So that's cool! And I don't think you have to tell her how much you liked it, I'm sure she can tell by your reaction! Shooot if she likes to "Rep her city" as much as I do, she'll be doing that shit again and again for that same explosive reaction! Congrats!!

Click to read.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This guy is definitely NOT GAY. The anal area is very sensitive and can give an intense orgasm to men. Notice when you have to go to the bathroom, real bad; when you do it feels really good. That's the same premise.
She just turned his ass out. Kudos to your girl, because she knows how to please her man. At the end of the day, that's what you want right?