Monday, August 17, 2009

Costco Removes Black “Lil Monkey” dolls from their Shelves

"Lil' Monkey Doll"

Costco Wholesale pulled dolls out of East Coast stores more than a week ago after at least one complaint that they were racially offensive.

The dolls — which came in African-American, Caucasian and Hispanic versions — were accompanied by stuffed monkeys and wore hats reading, "Lil' Monkey."

At least one customer in the Greensboro, N.C., area complained to Costco that the theme was racially offensive with the African-American doll, according to television reports from that area.

"Immediately Costco and our company made the decision to pull the product off the shelves," said Mary Gustaff, CEO of the Federal Way company that designed the dolls, The Brass Key. Also known as BrassKey Keepsakes, it is a family-owned company that has been in business more than 28 years.

Click to read.

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