Thursday, December 18, 2008

If You Are A Black Child, Nancy Grace Won't Look For You

We are now approaching the 9 month mark since the disappearance of Chioma Gray, the 16 year old high school student who was kidnapped by Andrew Tafoya from her school in Oxnard California. 9 Months have passed… 9 months… and during that time we’ve heard countless cries and pleas for Stacy Peterson, Cpl. Maria Lauterbach, Madeline McCann, and now, little Caylee Anthony.

I grieve for the families in each of these tragic situations; no family should ever have to endure the grinding despair or enervating uncertainty of a missing loved one. But I have a special place in my heart for Chioma… I am pained by her disappearance and disheartened by the apparent limits of our compassion. Can we all not grieve for her as well? Can we all not share her mother’s burden?

Why is it that CNN, FOX, and MSNBC, the FBI, Nancy Grace, John Walsh, America’s most Wanted, and all of these people and agencies can come together and stake out Drew Peterson’s home, investigate leads for Madeline McCann all the way over in Belgium, track down Ceasar Laurion in rural Mexico, and tape and analyze every conversation Mom Casey Anthony has, and bring in all sorts of equipment to do air sampling within Casey’s trunk, and yet there is no National push to find Chioma? Why?

1 comment:

~Lisi P. said...

This is such a true posting! I'm in Central Florida & every minute of every day seems to be consumed w/ Caylee. If she were any other color, this case wouldn't still be going on. I pray for the families who we never hear about, never write about, & who are suffering because their child is missing. Maybe we have to take things in our own hands & get this stuff out via the black media outlets. Because if we wait for others to do it, it's obvious that it's not happening.