Thursday, May 1, 2008

Bobbi Kris Tries to Commit Suicide.....

According to a close family friend Ann Davis who reported to friend of the circle National Enquirer, Bobbi Kris tried to commit suicide and kill her mother R&B legend Whitney Houston!

According to the NE Bobbi has been acting a fool since the divorce of her parents and taking out her frustrations through partying and drinking. The story explains that Bobbi Kris and Whitney got into a confrontation that ended in her trying to stab Whit and later slashed her own wrists.... Hmmm... could this be true?

Who knows but one thing is for sure I wouldn't put it past her, crazy runs in her family... on both sides! Ole girl had it honest! It seems like all is well between them though with those pics of them walking through LAX! Must be bonding season! Good luck guys!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dang, I hate to say it, but you know the apple don't fall far from the tree. That girl was doomed from the start.