Saturday, October 3, 2009

Shocking: Man Rapes and Beats His 8-Day Old Baby Daughter

An Arkansas Man was arrested for raping and beating his 8-day old baby daughter.


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I find this appauling and a nightmare for this innocent child. Where was the mother of the infant. He must have mental problems to do such a horrific thing to his own child.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Some people don't deserve to live. Blacks need to stop killing each other, having babies and refusing to get an education! They begged for freedom and still act like animals. Too bad lynching is outlawed!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Some people don't deserve to live. Blacks need to stop killing each other, having babies and refusing to get an education! They begged for freedom and still act like animals. Too bad lynching is outlawed!!!!"

Be careful on pointing out the ills of others because white folks are being killed by other white folks, white girls and women are having babies out of wedlock and the drop-out rate amongst white kids isn't faring to much better. And working on predominately white college campus, let me be the first to tell you that a great deal of them cheat there way thru. Every race has its share of the good, the bad and the ugly. So much so that I'm sure you if acknowledged and focus on correcting the ills within your own race, you wouldn't have any time to look elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

blacks arent the only ones tha kill or hurt their babies what about Susan white I dont think she was black and the women in Dallas so we have demonic people in every race.

Anonymous said...

Only GOD can judge and where as we all would like to do something bad to the man that would make us just as bad as he. And for the one talking about lynching some one well I think enough of that was done years ago because people was lynching just because of the color of a persons skin. Did you want to lynch Susan Smith and a few more none blacks that killed multiple of their own children? and if you were educated you would not have made that commit.Stop hating on the color of skin but look in your yard.But of course you are the type that thinks your kind do no wrong which is ignorant.Thanks

Anonymous said...

The crime is beyond heinous - I doubt anyone is going to argue that. This young man is obviously mentally ill, as no right-minded human being would even think of doing such a thing to a tiny infant, let alone act upon it. Race, age - none of that has anything to do with this particular act of violence, except that obviously the community failed these young people and this baby.

All that being said, this news report was absurd. Why on earth were people who had absolutely nothing to do with this crime interviewed about it? Why did the station feel the need to showcase uneducated people on camera? I imagine the gut reaction of anyone - myself included - to hearing about such an act would be to say the perpetrator deserves to die, sure. But all this report did was make an entire community appear uneducated. Neither of the people interviewed had knowledge of the people involved, mental illness, the justice system, etc. Interviewing them was completely pointless.

As was the anchor's spouting of "sick, sick," at the end. Yes, it was. But buddy, your JOB as a journalist is to report the news. REPORT it, not opine about it. Did you think the fact that it was sick was news?? The fact that it happened was news. The fact that it is sickening is a given. You violated journalistic ethics by pointing it out.