Wednesday, September 2, 2009


keith sweat lisa hartwell1

Earlier this year, Lisa Hartwell took her baby's father Keith Sweat TO COURT - to get back custody of their two sons, Jordan and Justin.
1990s R&B star Keith and Lisa were married in 1991, but went through a VERY BITTER divorce. During the divorce proceedings, some STUFF came out about Lisa that made the judge award full custody of the children to Keith (We ain't gonna say what that STUFF was - but I'm sure you can guess).
Well anyway, now Lisa tells Star Magazine WHY she wants her boys back. Here’s an excerpt from Star's report:

“I've already been seeing them four or five times a week, but now the time has come when I want to have them with me full-time,” Lisa, 38, tells Star. “I immediately filed for an appeal after the verdict, but I was never given a court date in five years. I've been afraid of the judicial system, but I'm finally taking the bull by the horns and trying to get my boys back again!”

read more click here 

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